What Does Italics Mean In Writing
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Italics are useful (and sometimes necessary) in many situations when you're writing. You might use them when you want to emphasize that your friend ate ten burritos, or to write about an interesting article you read in the New York Times. Knowing when and when not to use italics can be confusing, but don't worry. This wikiHow will walk you through the basics of using italics, show you examples, and help you use italics effectively in your writing.
Italics Usage Cheat Sheet
Use italics to denote the titles of long creative works. You should italicize the titles of long creative works in your paper. These include books, long poems, plays, television shows and films, artworks, or musical compositions. If you are writing in Chicago or MLA style, you should also italicize these titles on your works cited page or bibliography and use title case (i.e., Capitalizing Each Major Word in a Title). In APA style, italicize but do not use title case.[1] Italicize:[2]
- Book titles: I just can't stop reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
- Anthology and collection titles: I need the Norton Anthology of English Literature for a class I am taking next fall.
- Long poems: The Bhagavad Gita is a long Hindu poem written in Sanskrit.
- Plays: Sophocles is one of the most famous ancient Greek playwrights. He wrote plays such as Antigone and Oedipus the King.
- Movie and television show titles: We watched Halloween last night, and it terrified us! Fortunately we followed it up with Brooklyn Nine-Nine to lighten the mood.
- Album titles: In Utero is my favorite Nirvana album.
- Long musical works: Mozart's Don Giovanni is one of my favorite operas. I also really enjoy Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata for piano.
- Works of art: Mexican artist Frida Kahlo painted many self-portraits, including the famous Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird.
- An exception to italics exists for citing titles that incorporate other titles. For example, if you wanted to cite the (made-up) book titled Shakespeare's King Lear and the Pagan Tradition, you would need to de-italicize the title of the play because it is present in another book's title.
Italicize titles of journalistic media. You should italicize the titles of newspapers, journals, magazines, and radio series. News programs with a specific name should also be italicized. As with the literary examples, italicize these titles on your works cited page or bibliography in Chicago or MLA style and use title case. Italicize without title case for APA style. Italicize:[3]
- Newspapers: My mom subscribes to the New York Times.
- Journals and magazines: I read articles from the New England Journal of Medicine for school, but when I'm reading for fun I prefer People.
- Radio series and podcasts: I listen to This American Life whenever I get the chance. Like nearly everyone else in 2014, I was also hooked on the podcast Serial.
- News programs: The Rachel Maddow Show is one of the top-performing news programs on cable news networks.
Italicize specific editions of sacred texts, but not the generic names of sacred texts. You should italicize the titles of specific editions of sacred texts, such as the The New American Standard Bible. However, you should not write the names of holy books, such as the Bible, in italics.[4] This rule applies whether you are including the title within your paper or on your works cited page or bibliography.
Don't italicize the names of public documents. Names of documents like the Declaration of Independence or the Magna Carta are not italicized.[5]
- However, some academic styles such as the American Sociological Association (ASA) recommend that you italicize the titles of specific public documents, but not well-known documents (e.g., the Constitution). For example: Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law 104-014, 110 U.S. Statutes at Large 56 (1996).[6]
Don't italicize or capitalize the word "the" at the beginning of titles. Even if "the" is part of the official name, such as "The Wall Street Journal," most style guides recommend that you do not capitalize or italicize "the" when it comes at the beginning of a title.[7]
- Obviously, if you use the title as the beginning of your own title or a sentence, you would capitalize the word "the." You would not italicize it, however. For example: The Wall Street Journal is the premier source of business and financial news in the US.
Use italics for foreign words that have not been integrated into the English language. Words like alumni do not need to be italicized, but words like semper fi do need to be italicized. The difference is that alumni is understood by English speaking people as graduates of a particular university, whereas semper fi requires translation to be understood.[8]
- This rule, like several others, is open to interpretation. A general rule of thumb is that if the foreign word is in an English dictionary, you do not need to italicize it.[9]
Italicize names of vehicles. You should italicize the names of ships, airplanes, missiles, and man-made satellites. Do not italicize modifiers on the name such as "the" or "U.S.S." or "H.M.S.".[10] [11]
- The Enola Gay
- U.S.S. Cole
- Don't italicize types of vehicles, such as the Learjet.
Use italics to denote legal cases. When you need to provide the name of a legal case in a paper, italicize the case title including v.. You should also italicize the legal case name on your works cited page or bibliography.[12] [13] [14]
- The famous case of Gideon v. Wainwright was a landmark in American legal history.
Use italics to denote species names, variety, and subspecies names. The Latin names of species, varieties, and subspecies need to be italicized, but common English names do not need to be italicized. For example:[15]
- For example: Homo sapiens is the binomial nomenclature for the human species. Homo is the Latin genus name, and Homo sapiens is our species name.
- In scientific writing, it is customary to give the full binomial nomenclature in the title and the first time it is used in the paper. After that, abbreviate like so: H. sapiens.
- You would not italicize "humans," the common English name for H. sapiens.
Know the exceptions. While most style guides recommend using italics as shown in the above examples, some don't. The AP (Associated Press) style does not use italics in news stories at all, even to refer to titles.[16]
- In APA style, if you are not sure whether something should be italicized, the preference is to not italicize it.[17]
- Many writers for the web prefer to use underlining or quotation marks to highlight text. This is because italics can be difficult to distinguish on a computer screen. Use your judgment to determine whether italics or other forms of highlighting are appropriate for your purpose.[18]
Use Italics when you want to emphasize a certain word or phrase. A common use for italics is to draw attention to a particular part of a text in order to provide emphasis. If something is important or shocking, you might want to italicize that word or phrase so that your readers don't miss it.[19] For example:
- He had managed to eat ten cookies.
- I love the word flabbergasted.
Italicize words, letters, and numbers when used as specific terms. If you want to call attention to a word, letter, or number as a specific term, use italics. For example:[20]
- When defining an unfamiliar term, you may want to italicize its first appearance: "The scientific term for sneezing is sternutation."[21]
- Use italics to emphasize a letter on its own: I got an A in history this term.
- When he moved to the Denver Broncos, quarterback Peyton Manning retained his famous 18 on his jersey.
Use italics when you want to show a contrast between two words or phrases. It is also common to use italics to show contrast to your readers. If you want your readers to notice a contrast between two words or phrases, you might want to italicize that word or phrase so that your readers don't miss it. You can italicize one or both words depending on your objective.[22]
- He had managed to eat not nine, but ten cookies.
- The words through and threw may sound the same but obviously have very different meanings.
Avoid using italics to provide emphasis or show contrast in formal writing. Using italics to provide emphasis or show contrast is usually accepted in informal writing. However, most style guidelines advise against these uses in formal, professional, or academic writing. In most cases, it's preferable to use syntax to emphasize your point in these types of writing.
- For example, APA style specifies that using italics to provide emphasis is inappropriate unless the reader might miss your intended meaning without the italics.
- Chicago style also does not recommend the use of italics for emphasis.[23]
Add New Question
I am writing a book and one of the main characters has thoughts here and there. Would I those be italicized?
It's not required. Doing so would be a matter of stylistic choice.
In fiction, when I'm writing a thought in italics, and that thought includes a word that would normally be in italics, such as a TV show or book title, then the book title or TV show is de-italicized?
Should Roman words be italicized?
Roman (Latin) words are sometimes italicized to differentiate them from English, but it's not required.
Do you italicize street names?
No, they're normally just capitalized.
I am writing a novel that happens on a specific day, but is mostly comprised of flashbacks. Is it all right to use italics to emphasize the chapters that happen on the day, to avoid confusion?
Clarification is always a good thing, but whole chapters in italics might be overkill.
When writing a family history, is it okay to put a direct quote from a deceased person in italics?
Yes, in fact that is the best way to ensure that it stands out as a quote.
When writing a story with dialog in quotations, should internal thoughts be italicized?
You could do that (to set thoughts apart from spoken words), but that isn't normally done.
Are you supposed to italicize the name of a department, e.g., Human Resources Department?
No, it is sufficient to use the capital letters.
Do I italicize dialog? For example I'm writing a manual and in one part, I'm instructing to say "Thank you for your participation today." should I italicize the text inside the quotation marks?
No, the quotation marks are sufficient.
Do I italicize a company name on a resume?
No. If you want to put emphasis on the company names in your resume, bolding is the more common practice. However, it's usually advisable to put the emphasis on your position titles instead.
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Consistency is important when using italics. If you italicize a title on one page, make sure that you do so throughout your paper. Don't switch from italics to underlining halfway through.
If you are required to use a specific style for a course or your profession, always refer to the style guide for specific details on the rules for italics.
Don't italicize names of organizations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Use title case instead.
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Article SummaryX
To properly use italics in your writing, remember to use italics when naming a long creative work, like a book, long poem, play, movie, TV show, album title, or work of art. If you reference a newspaper, journal, magazine, or news program, be sure to italicize the title. Avoid italicizing the names of sacred texts, like the Bible, as well as public documents, like the Declaration of Independence. Additionally, remember to italicize foreign words that haven't been integrated into English, like the Latin phrase "Semper fi," and use italics when referring to legal cases. For tips on exceptions for using italics or using italics for emphasis, scroll down!
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What Does Italics Mean In Writing
Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Use-Italics
Posted by: hairstonvervang.blogspot.com
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